Looking to make some extra cash? Well, rummaging around in your jewelry box might be a great place to start. Selling your gold has never been easier—or more confusing. With so many options out there, finding the right buyer can be overwhelming. To help you get top dollar for your jewelry, here are some tips […]
Buying gold bullion in Seatlle offers you a way to diversify your assets from the traditional paper monetary financial system. Precious metals are an alternative investment with real, inherent value. It is a hard asset, finite, and can’t be printed or reproduced. There is a limited amount able to be mined. It has stood the test […]

Are you planning to BUY GOLD in Seattle? Thinking about buying some jewelry? Picking up big ticket items like precious metals can be a challenge, especially if it is your first time. Gold jewelry is a wonderful gift—to be enjoyed for generations to come. So, before you plop down your money, it’s a smart idea […]

While we specialize in the purchase of Gold and Diamonds, our goal is to be give the best price and advice when selling all jewellery – including items with other gemstones. In order to maximize the value of your jewellery, our payouts are not just based on the melt or wholesale value of your gold […]

Gold jewelry. You have it—lots of dealers want it. If you’ve got some unwanted gold items collecting dust in the bottom of your jewelry box, you might be thinking about trading them in for some extra cash. But selling your unwanted gold can be risky if it falls into the hands of shady gold buyers. […]