Understanding the factors that influence the price of gold is crutial before making an investment in the precious metal. Equally important is to be aware of the key differences in the supply and demand of gold compared to other investments such as commodities, stocks and bonds. Another factor to keep in mind; gold is not […]
One of the questions you are probably asking yourself when you’re thinking of SELLING OLD GOLD JEWELRY is “how do you test it?” All precious-metal buyers will go through similar methods to determine the purity of your jewelry, coins, bullion, etc. When it comes to testing gold, it’s not hard science, just useful equipment and a good […]
Does the price of gold have you tempted to sell your unwanted jewellery? Before you part with your gold pieces, it may well benefit you to know the karat weight. But density, gold-plated jewellery, and pennyweight measurements can cause confusion, leading to improper karat rating for purity. What does all this mean, you ask? Don’t […]
Ever wondered about the history of gold? Where does it come from? What makes gold so great? Check out this excellent infographic by Visual Capitalist. This infographic is owned by Visual Capitalist and is from goldchartsus.com  http://www.goldchartsrus.com/misc/GoldHistory.php
Ever wondered how gold is refined? Check out the five stages of metal refining according to the Royal Canadian Mint. The Five Stages of Metal Refining: From Ore to Pure The Royal Canadian Mint refines their gold using these five steps: 1. Pre-melt Doré bars in purities ranging from 5% to 95% are melted in […]
Many of us have seen old movies and TV shows where a character tries to determine whether a coin is gold by biting it. While there may actually have been a time when this was a useful means of testing gold, it is probably not something that you would want to try today, whether you […]