Got gold on your mind? Before you set out to sell your precious metal items, you’ll want to find a reliable dealer to get the biggest bang for your buck. From coast to coast, when it is time to SELL YOUR GOLD, read on to learn what makes us the top gold buyers in Canada. Our […]
When we go to buy something, we tend to look for the information. Whether we’re buying a new cellphone or computer or an appliance or a car, we want to see the specifications written somewhere so we know who made it, where it was made, and, most importantly, what’s in it. Gold Stamps, Marks, and […]
In WHAT MAKES A COIN VALUABLE  we found out that there are several different things to consider when evaluating coins. There are the niddy-gritty details that numismatists look for such as condition, toning, and rare varieties, but most of the time, a coin is considered valuable because there aren’t a whole lot of them. In other words, […]
Are you thinking about selling your high-end jewellery? There are a wide variety of reason why you may want to part with your precious items. Maybe you no longer wear them. Maybe they were passed down and you would like some extra money. Or maybe you simply want to make more space in your home. […]
Virtually everyone who owns gold has wondered at one time or another if they should sell it. It may be out of need for quick cash or any number of other reasons. If you are considering selling your gold, you should be aware of your options. Your first step should be understanding what it is […]
Are you thinking about selling your gold? Trading in your unwanted jewelry is a great way to make some extra cash. But before you set out to peddle your pieces, you want to make sure you know the proper steps to take. To help you make the most of the jewelry selling process, we have […]