Tips for selling Gold

Regrettably, scams involving gold buyers are widespread and can be challenging to identify. Before engaging with a gold buyer to sell items like gold and silver, it’s crucial for clients to conduct thorough research. Being well-informed and posing pertinent questions can greatly benefit customers, ensuring transparency and integrity from the gold buyer. Explore the tips below for effectively selling gold and other precious metals.


Check Current Gold Prices

Check Current Gold Prices

Steer clear of buyers, particularly pawn shops and jewelry stores, who are hesitant to disclose prices. These establishments often provide unfairly low offers assuming customers are unaware of their gold's value. Even if prices are posted, verify that they reflect the amount you will actually receive per gram. Many customers have shared instances where our competitors pay significantly less than their advertised rates if they suspect the customer hasn't seen these postings. For transparency, we regularly update our gold prices on our website.
Know Your Weight

Know Your Weight

Before visiting gold buyers, it's best to have a rough idea of the weight of your items in grams to gauge the fairness of their offer. If you don't have a scale handy, quarters can serve as a useful reference point, as each weighs approximately 5.5 grams.

Is Your Gold Buyer Listed With BBB?

Is Your Gold Buyer Listed With BBB?

Verify if your gold buyer is registered with the BBB (Better Business Bureau) and review any complaints about their business practices. Exercise caution with businesses not listed with the BBB, as some traveling gold buyers, for instance, avoid listing due to frequent changes in names and locations. All businesses should be listed, irrespective of accreditation status. While accreditation is optional, it enhances confidence in the buyer. Seattle Gold is BBB-listed to reassure clients.
Shop Around

Shop Around

Feel free to compare prices elsewhere, and we're certain you'll choose us when selling your items. We regularly visit our competitors and consistently find that our offers are unmatched. If you bring us a written quote from a competitor beforehand, you'll discover that our payouts exceed theirs. If not, we'll match their price and add 50% of the difference with our 150% best price guarantee.
Avoid Price Ranges

Avoid Price Ranges

Exercise caution with gold buyers who provide wide price ranges without confirming a specific amount. If they offer a range like "$8 – $14 per gram," it often leads to lower offers after tough negotiations. For additional tips on selling gold or to discuss avoiding gold buyer scams, visit our Seattle store to consult with an expert in person. Education is key to protecting yourself!

We have
the latest prices

We recognize that investing in precious metals is a significant decision that demands thorough research and careful consideration. That’s why we are committed to offering our clients up-to-date prices and real-time rates for gold, silver, and platinum, ensuring they have the information needed to make informed decisions.

We gather our pricing information from trusted industry sources and update it consistently throughout the day, ensuring you have access to the most precise and current data at all times.

Experience our quick assessment today to explore how we can assist you in reaching your investment objectives. Reach out to us for further information and to initiate the process.

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